America at a Crossroads

This addition to the site does not contain my words, rather the words of others in the rare book trade and business.

The October issue of the Rare Book Monthly, which appears on the website of the Rare Book Hub, carries and article entitled ‘America at a Crossroads‘. It begins with the following opening words;

“This is not a political statement. Many of you do not appreciate political thoughts on a rare book website, and that is understandable. This is not about politics. It is way more important. It’s about America. America is at a crossroads today, and the danger is even greater than it was at the time of the Civil War. Our freedom, our democratic institutions, are at risk.”

You can read the article by clicking here.

One thought on “America at a Crossroads

  1. Thank you John, for link to the excellent and disturbing article – something I would not have seen without your blog. I could not leave a comment on the site, however I would be happy for you to pass on my thanks to the author, and to the rare books site for hosting such an important piece. The response from the veterans supporting democracy gives a little hope and I also hope that a national paper or programme will pick up some of the more nuanced points, in the article and in your insightful response.
    Like many, I cannot bear, nor believe, that I live in a time of rising and rampant populism, our decency and humanity under constant challenge. What to do? Where to start? Saturday I went on our local socialist women’s ramble walk (mostly having tea and cake in the pub) and there was solidarity and kindness and lots of laughing. No guns.
    On another item, I have just sourced a copy of Mavis Bacca Dowden’s book and it will be here next week.
    So looking forward to that…..
    Thanks for the blog x

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